您現(xiàn)在所在的位置:首頁--(伺服壓入)SZY-8型 轉臺式電樞沖片入軸機

(伺服壓入)SZY-8型 轉臺式電樞沖片入軸機


SZY-8 Turntable Eight Stations Shaft  Inserting Machine




This machine is designed for the motor shaft pressed into the core punch, for high-speed punching the overall punching core design of special equipment.The use of Mitsubishi PLC program-controlled, color touch screen control, eight-bit transposition work, the servo motor finale, pressure uniformity and stability, a pressure sensor measuring pressure into the shaft, with measuring size grating, when measuring the size of pressure Or press-fit force is too large or too small setting range alarm, a photoelectric safety switch.

技術參數(shù)/Technicai Parameters

電源電壓Supply voltage Ac380±10% 50Hz

氣源壓力Air pressure


工作行程Working stroke

液壓壓力Hydraulic Pressure 0~7MPa
公稱壓力Nominal pressure


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