您現(xiàn)在所在的位置:首頁(yè)--(外繞/拼塊式)WPR- 2/4型 定子自動(dòng)排繞機(jī)

(外繞/拼塊式)WPR- 2/4型 定子自動(dòng)排繞機(jī)


WPR-2/4  Stator Coil Arraying and Winding Machine


本機(jī)用于無(wú)刷電機(jī)外繞定子的自動(dòng)繞線,更換工裝后可繞不同的電機(jī)定子,工作后可自動(dòng)繞線,排線,分度,拉線入槽,自動(dòng)剪線等動(dòng)作,實(shí)現(xiàn)全自動(dòng)繞線,排列整齊,繞線速度快,生產(chǎn)效率高。工業(yè)級(jí)人機(jī)界面,彩色觸摸屏操作。專業(yè)化界面設(shè)計(jì),操作方便快捷。     嵌入式模塊化設(shè)計(jì),功能強(qiáng)大,客戶可根據(jù)自己需求自行編程。以EEPROM存儲(chǔ),最短保持十年。


This machine is used for automatic outer winding of the brushless motor stator. It can wind different motor stators by replacing the tooling. It can automatically wind, array, index, pull the wire into the slot, trim the wire etc. It comes out coils neatly arranged, with fast winding speed and high production efficiency. Industrial-grade human-machine interface, color touch screen operation. Professional interface design, easy to operate. The embedded modular design is powerful and can be programmed by the customer according to his own needs. The memory is kept in a battery-free design and stored in EEPROM for a minimum of ten years. 

技術(shù)參數(shù)/Technicai Parameters

電源電壓Supply voltage

AC220±10% 50Hz

氣源壓力Air pressure


繞線電機(jī) Winding motor


排線電機(jī) Arraying motor 0.75kw

定子外徑 Stator OD


定子厚度Stator thickness


適繞線徑Suitable wire size


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